From the Other Side of Crazy

It’s Mother’s Day once again. I am blessed to have celebrated over forty Mother’s Days. Before we had kids, we were guilty of making “my kid will never…” statements. Words we soon learned to eat. I discovered a clever kitchen towel a few months ago that read, “As soon as you say, “My child wouldContinue reading “From the Other Side of Crazy”

Pick Me!!

“It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.” (Jn 15:16) Each time I’ve heard this passage over my lifetime, I assumed it referred uniquely to the disciples,Continue reading “Pick Me!!”

Didn’t Know

Dawn was breaking as the young man stealthily crawled out of the front bedroom window of our neighbor’s home. Their daughter assisted him and waved goodbye. My friend and I were walking by at that moment decades ago. We knew her father was a single dad; rumor had it her mother was incarcerated. My friendContinue reading “Didn’t Know”


If I am not mistaken, these are the exact words shepherds use to call sheep. Or maybe not. The closest I’ve ever gotten to a sheep was on a dinner plate in France. “Can I get this cooked more, s’il vous plaît!“ I’ve heard today’s gospel (Jn 10:11-18) countless times. However, what was staggeringly obvious toContinue reading “Yo-da-ladie-hoo!”

Remembering Back…

Easter morning, and it is pouring rain in Phoenix, which sounds like a mythical fairytale. Down here in the Southwest, we take it when we get it, even when the water balloon hunt I planned may never come to pass. I know you people in other parts of the country deal with this weather thingContinue reading “Remembering Back…”